Thursday 11 November 2021

Science Fair

Writing Assessment Term 4 2021


Thin air clouded the night and the moon shoon on the cars pulling into the driveway. The Halloween party had started at 7 pm it was now 8 30 pm and all the adults was settling  into there drinks. Fleet-wood manor was one of the biggest house in their town. Mt Rock Hill. Kids were allowed at the party but not in the house which was unfortunate because there were many of them all bored to death.

 One of them named Liam whom was quite popular out of the 26 kids suggested a game: Spotlight, every one agreed and started to work out the Boundaries and rules for the game. Boundaries had to be set because 92 acres of land is a lot to navigate. Cold air brushes though there hair as the party goes on. Shortly after round 3 there halloween costumes start to get sweaty and they regroup at the start to have a break. 24 kids catch there breath and have some water. The best out of them was mike who hunted a lot and knew how to be quiet. something felt off to mike. But they continued the game. Each round more thrilling then the last. They were up to round 10 when the clock stuck midnight. Mike was certain something was of but he couldn't put his finger on it.

 “ theres only 19 of us left, the other must of gone inside. We’ll keep playing tho” Exams Liam some other kids agree. Thats what it was! Mike thinks, The house is out of bounds! Mike has to find the kids. He doesn't remember to much about the kids but were all younger was one thing he can remember.

 All the adults were wasted by now so he decided to ask the “bouncers” witch were just 17 year old that were just bored and couldn't drink. They said no kids had come though this intrigued mike even more to find the them he looked around the front garden. He found nothing. He started to walk back “” whimpers a voice. Stafan suddenly run up to mike and pulls him away giving him a fright. Mike just goes with it. Stefan had drips of blood on his jacket. Mike knows what is going on. He ripped his arm away and ran as fast as he could. He breath echoed though his head as he ran though the dense forest. he stopped to catch his breath behind one of many trees in the forest. He needed to find what happened to the kid… 

Thursday 25 February 2021



We all jump on the bus and find a seat. Me and the Boys are Going down to Yellow Bridge to pop some fat manus. The bus hoons down the road and suddenly breaks. We all go flying to the front and smash our heads on the front seat of the bus. The bus drops off at the starting of the road, we say laters g and jump off cracking up laughing as we walk down the hot sunny road. Suddenly we hear Charlie's mum and her electric leaf pulls up and we zoom back to Charlie's house.

 We do some boxing and muck around for a bit then we jump back in the car and leg it down to yellow Bridge little William is chilling in the car. He's very happy. ring ding ring ding ding ding. We weren't up to the spot and popped some fat Manu's. It's quite cold and we see Jasper and Charlie hart.

 We see the air force fly over us and jet planes zoom past in the air. It's quite scary but we keep popping the manus. Jasper's silly Mum got all angry at us because Jasper threw a rock in the water and nearly hit Little Levi. We were arguing for around 10 minutes.  they left hooray.We start to get a bit cold so we jump in the car. We drive home and get dropped off at our houses. Ned forgets his bike but all goods g. And that's a day out with the boys popping manus.